How Often Should You Have Your Burglar Alarms Serviced?

Intruder Alarm

Burglar alarms and other anti-theft devices are vitally important for preventing crime on your property. However, these devices must be properly maintained in order to fulfil their function. A malfunctioning alarm is liable to trigger without cause. It could also ignore things that absolutely should trigger it.

So, how often should your burglar alarm be maintained?

How Often Does A Burglar Alarm Need To Be Serviced?

Once a year on average. This will depend on the make, model, age, and function of the alarm. Typically, you should have your system undergo maintenance at least once every year. These maintenance checks include:

  • Looking over the installation, placement, and specification of a model and checking that against what was actually installed.
  • Ensuring that the device functions properly, as per the specification.
  • Checking all variable connections
  • Ensuring the system is properly connected to the property’s electrical system
  • Check that auxiliary power systems – such as batteries – are active, charged, and chargeable.
  • Making sure that the control unit is functioning correctly.
  • Examining any remote signalling equipment, when relevant.
  • Testing alarm functionality when triggered. This includes making sure that a triggered alarm actually makes noise.
  • Other miscellaneous tasks which are relevant to your specific security system.

Man Fixing Homealarm


There are exceptions to the above rule on how often you should have your system maintained. They include:

  • Active Use – If your burglar alarm has been triggered by a burglary or other incursion. The intruder may have tried and failed to tamper with your system before entering your property. Even if they failed to prevent the system from triggering, this does not mean they didn’t attempt to disarm it.
  • Environmental Factors – If your home has been subject to harsh environmental factors, such as heavy storms or even lighting, then your system may have been damaged.
  • Building Work – If you are having renovations or other building work done to your home, then your installation could have been damaged. Make sure to have your system checked after any work is complete, to ensure this is not the case.

In any of these situations, you should call a security specialist to review your system. This way, you can rest easy knowing that it still functions as intended.

Burglar Alarm Hero

Contact Us

At S Kirby Security Systems we understand the value and the necessity of a functional burglar alarm. We specialise in the supply, installation, maintenance, and repair of security systems. Our team of expert technicians will ensure that your device functions perfectly, no matter the circumstances.

Looking to outfit your home or business with a security system? Contact us today for more information, or to schedule a free consultation. Let S Kirby Security Systems make your security our concern.


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